Wednesday 17 June 2020

Using Piskel.

Today we learnt about a new tool called Piskel. 
I created a character that is supposed to look disgusted.
What do you think of it?

Photo Grid.


 This is a photo grid we created for Inquiry. It is sort of like a continuation of the learning we did with Mr. Fourie last week, which was based around Copyright; and what we can, and can't use off the internet.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Creating a collage with a very specific rule....

This. Is my collage. It was made using a tool that you will most probably know of called Google Drawings. Now, for that rule I mentioned in my title, it was that we could only use copyright free photos! We could only use photos that were able to be used for the public domain. The tool I used to find the photos was a little thing called explore, which gives only copyright free photos, and also provides the link to where it came from. Now I will give a brief explanation for what each photo is starting from the top left, going across.
1. My name- Ngaire (I used the word art tool for this)
2. Something that I think is cool- a Gibson Explorer guitar.
3. My favourite colour- white (I used the snow to represent it)
4. My dream destination- Ireland.
5. Age- 13.
6. Favourite animal- A Dove.
7. Something I love- Nirvana.
8. My home country- Japan, England, New Zealand, and Germany ( I am half Japanese, half English, live in Nz, and was born and used to live in Germany)
9. Best subject- Music.
10. Favourite food- Mince and Tatties.
11. My family- A fox terrier since that is my dogs breed.
12. Nickname- Cherry blossoms since my second name is Hana which means flower in Japanese, and is the closest thing I have to a nickname.
Sorry that got a bit long. Anyways, I really enjoyed making this collage! It was a bit hard sometimes to find a photo that I liked, and was tempted to just get one off the internet somewhere, but I stuck with the rules and got it done! Do you think that I did a good job? Did I have a good caption? Leave a comment!

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Manaiakalani Week 8.

Today in Manaiakalani, we created a sort of video intro to use in the future. I learnt how to make my own PNGs from Google drawings, which is the most useful tool I have learnt from this session. Another cool thing was using music in WE Video, I have never done that before so I thought that was interesting too. What do you think of mine?

Book Club Interview.

This week we were given another assignment to make a video using We Video; a tool that we learnt how to use last week. This week the video had to be an interview of our Book Club book characters, my book is The Boy In The Striped Pajamas, so the character I interviewed was Bruno. I am very happy that I was able to take most of the videos in one take, although I did mess up a bit on some sentences. My three questions were, "what do you think of your family?", "how did you feel when you moved?", and what do you think of your father?". I haven't read the whole book yet so some of the answers may be inaccurate. Please leave feedback if you would like to!