Thursday 28 May 2020

Lockdown Reflection Video.

Yesterday in Manaiakalani, we were assigned a task to make a 30 second video reflecting on our Lockdown experience. The three things we had to talk about were The best thing, the worst thing, and the weirdest/funniest thing about lockdown. I filmed mine last night and I am very happy that I was able to get the timing right, although admittedly it is dreadfully boring. I would like to refilm mine in the future to show how I can improve it. 

 I think the most challenging part was having to film several takes because I said the wrong words, or got the timing completely off, but when I finally got it right itr was very satisfying. Editing it was actually quite enjoyable, and was probably the easiest part of the process. 

 Overall I think it was a great challenge, especially because I don't really like filming myself, and it made me feel more confident in the end.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

 Last week as part of literacy we had to create a lockdown image. I made a drawing on Google Slides of the beach, as it was the first place I went after restrictions were loosened. I am quite happy with the image, although the sky looks a little dull. Is there any other details I could have added?

Wednesday 20 May 2020

3 ANZAC Facts.

Here is another part of my inquiry project. For this, I read through some interesting ANZAC facts, and chose three that I found most intriguing. I had no idea that you can not only wear a Poppy, but you can also wear Rosemary to pay respect to those who served in the war! What do you find most interesting/ surprising? Do you have any other ANZAC facts?

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Anzac art.

As part of my Anzac inquiry project I painted this piece using acrylic paint. I am still working hard on my Anzac inquiry, and hope to get it done by the end of this week. Since starting this project I have learnt a lot about the war, and the soldiers who fought in it, so it has been very interesting. It is a great way to learn things, while having fun, and building your skills in lots of areas. Is there anything I could do to improve my art skills in the future?