Saturday 8 December 2018

Friday 7 December 2018

Friday 16 November 2018

Smart Surfing.

Today I worked on Smart Surfing. I learnt that the explore tool can be used for web search,images and searching through your drive. I found it hard to copy and paste everything into my slides.   I found it easy to do find info about captain cook. Next time I need to work faster.This blog post shows I am a Stepping Up blogger

Friday 19 October 2018

Our ships.

Quite a while back I was getting to know how to use google drawings.This is my first drawing of a ship.There are alot of tools like polyline,curved connector,arrow,scribble and etc.We also used colouring tools to make it brighter.MY ship is a cruise ship called the queen.

24 Hour Digital Footprint.

We were learning about our 24 Hour Digital Footprint. I learnt that I found it easy to copy the link onto the icon.I found it hard to find the right icons.  I really enjoyed finding out my history and how to find my history(ctrl+h).Next time I need to manage my time better.My Blog shows I am a stepping up learner.  

Friday 21 September 2018

Seeking Help,Haters,Trolls And What To Do.

We were learning about what to do when you see something that is mean and cruel online.I made a poster on google drawings that explains the 3 things that you should do when something like that occurs.The main thing was how to take a screenshot,it was very simple and easy,you just need to click Control and Window switcher,Window switcher is normally on top of the 6 key.I am always improving in my learning and thinking about what I can do to be a smart learner,please leave a comment.

Friday 14 September 2018


We were learning about the rules of Netiquette.Netiquette is the word which is the combination between internet or net,and etiquette.Netiquette means being polite on the net. This is a google drawing which has a do and a don't of netiquette in some speech bubbles,the digital learning object that we have been working on is our character,she is called cybersmart CJ. We tried to add all the things we need in a quality post a title,labels,a caption and reflection, and a bold message. I think I am stepping up and on the way to being a smart learner.What else could I do? what do you think?Please leave a comment.

Friday 7 September 2018

My visual Mihi

This is my visual mihi,we had to include things that we loved.Because this is a visual mihi we used google drawings and put images of what we loved.So that people can visually understand who we are,like when we say our mihi people hear who we are.

Ngaire and Lucy's cybersmart messages.

This is a slide that Lucy and I made,it lists three important messages.We also made a character that you can see on the slides,called cybersmart CJ.What else could we add ? Please leave a comment.

Friday 3 August 2018

speech planning

We have started to write our speeches,The theme is ,How can I contribute to make the world a better place.I decided to write specifically about little can be huge,and how little things make the world a better place.This is my brainstorm I struggled with ideas so we got mentored and this is my planning.
What do you think please give some feedback!

Friday 8 June 2018


Hi my name is Ngaire. I was born in Germany but I live in New Zealand. I go to Makauri school. I have a family of 4 and I have a cat and a dog.My best friends Are Aja and Bethan. My hobby is cooking and I love reading books. 

I love reading and literacy they are my favourite subjects. I need help with math but I try to help people at literacy because that is my strong side in learning.
 In the future I would like to be famous book illustrator, and inspire the world to read books and use their imagination to draw their own pictures.I was inspired when I started reading books by Tove jansson.I love doing free writing and  and I love doing art by using my  my imagination from the stories especially legends eg Laputa the castle in the sky.

  When we went to school camp I think that I learnt a lot . I think that we learnt the most about working as a team and just encouraging others to do all the activities at camp. I think that I have very much enjoyed Collaboration in the hub you and I'm really looking forward to learning more different things, I think that learning in the hub is a great opportunity to share and take in different opinions.I hope to achieve my goal of punctuation this year.

Monday 16 April 2018

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Welcome to my blog for learning.
I look forward to sharing my learning with my school,
my whānau and friends anywhere.